Sunday, June 21, 2009


Two stories plus conclusion.

Story 1.

Many Thais drive like crazy. 100 km per hour through a city centre is no exception. They drive scooters without helmets as if there is no tomorrow. Neither do they mind being on a scooter or in a car completely drunk. Traffic rules do not appear to exist. Almost every time I go outside, I see people colliding with each other. Bam! Again I see a bunch of people lying all about the asphalt, bleeding. Yesterday: three scooters carrying a total of 9 girls. Bam. The day before yesterday, collision between truck and van. Bam: a dozen people bleeding. The day before: my taxi collided with a scooter driven by a girl. My response; get out and run away, as there is a policy in Thailand; It’s always the fault of the foreigner. They reason: If you hadn’t been in our country, this would not have happened. Even if you sit in the back of a taxi.
So millions of Thais die in accidents every year.

Story 2.

People love hair extensions all over the world. They are glued to the base of their own hair and suddenly they have hair one or two feet longer. It’s often natural hair from Asia. People think there are tons of poor girls with long hair that have their hair cut in order to make some money. In Thailand you can buy a two foot ponytail of natural hair for about 1500 baht. Not expensive really. Last year I had my hair cut and after two days I regretted my new short bob. I considered hair extensions. However, I learned something so horrific, I decided not have my hair extended.


Dead girls get cremated in Thailand. Most Thai girls have long hair, often down to their waist. And would’t it be a waste to have that hair cremated? So the cremators shave off the hair of dead girls a make a lucrative business out of selling that hair to hair salons.

So next time you buy a wig or have your hair extended with natural hair: it’s not hair from living poor girls, but from dead girls, rich or poor.

To me it doesn’t feel good to walk around with a dead girl’s hair on my head. “How about you?” I asked a friend with hair extensions.
“Would you reject a donor kidney of a dead Thai girl?” my friend asked.

So, again a good subject for discussion.

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