Saturday, July 4, 2009

Recycling Thai style

They recycle in Thailand. They separate plastic from paper, batteries from latex, paint from glass. They just do not separate it at home or in containers down the street. The garbage collectors who collect the rubbish at the end of the day stand in the back of the garbage truck, opening garbage backs and check the contents. Plastic, food left over, condoms, needles, other sharp things, rotting fish left-over, fetuses, whatever (without gloves or protective clothing). Whenever there is a dead baby in the garbage, they call the police. The police call the media stations and they send camera crews over to report on the discovery of dead babies. I do not know how they find out about the origin of the baby, but they always claim that the dead babies are from Cambodian, Lao or Burmese descent. Perhaps because Thai people would never put babies in the garbage?

Welcome to Thailand.

Soon a story about the IQ of Thai people and why the Ministry of Education feels embarrassed that Thailand ranks as low as they do (and why the number one university offered me a job as an English languague professor, despite the fact that English isn't my mother tongue and that I am not a qualified or certified teacher).


  1. A university can hire (in the US) anyone they please. A professor need not have special certification. Usually an advanced degree in the field is expected but this can be waived for other considerations. Critically acclaimed best seller? Nobel Prize?
    Actually it is rarely waived for tenure track instructors. It is, however, incumbent upon the hiring institution to justify the state accrediting body why a particular person was hired.

  2. Okay. Good to know. I turned down the full time job. I rather paint bamboo and sleep in.
