Friday, May 8, 2009


The following post will be very different from what I have been writing so far on this web log.

Last night, I had a conversation with an American friend about Beauty. We discussed the beauty of certain buildings, paintings, streets, cities, flowers, countries, behaviour, and finally…men.
I told my friend about a Japanese boy I used to be friends with in India. When I saw that boy the first time, I felt the need to ask him if I could take 1000 photos of him. He was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. He was perfect.
I met the boy first near my home in South India in 2005 but he would later stay with me at my home in the Himalayas. We started a friendship that would last for about 8 months. I managed to take about 1000 photos. I even wrote about our friendship in my book Pholomolo. I hope he doesn’t mind me showing his beauty to the world, this time not in words, but in pictures.


  1. I admire your taste (and good fortune!)

  2. It's better to have loved and lost, than never have loved.
