Friday, May 1, 2009


The 30th of April is a special day in the Netherlands. It’s called Queen’s Day
Every year on that day the Dutch become one family engaging in the grandest and most joyful celebrations of the year. The Queen and her family connect to the public, walking through the crowds, shaking hands, playing games, singing songs, hugging and kissing people, riding bicycles and so on. The Dutch love the royal family. They go about in public with unarmed security guards; they don’t ride in bullet-proof cars… because no one wants to harm them. Until now.

Yesterday, a premeditated act to hurt the royal family occurred when a man in a speeding car crashed through barriers, mowed down dozens of onlookers with the intention to crash into the open vehicle that carried the entire royal family. Only metres away from the royals, the terrorist crashed the car against a monument in front of the royal palace. 5 people died instantly, dozens of bystanders, police, journalists, and camera crews were seriously injured; people and body parts were flying through the air. It was a bizarre scene.

From now on Queens Day won’t be the same any more.


  1. Yeah, read about that on the news. Such acts have become so nearly common place here in the states that, while they still make headlines, one's only reaction is : "Oh, another one!" This doesn't say anything the least bit good about the nature of our society....

  2. Violence is a very, very rare thing in the Netherlands. They are a peace loving nation. If somebody gets killed, the whole country is shocked. This is the first time in history somebody tried to harm the royal family. Holland won't be the same any more and the Dutch will mourn this day for decades if not centuries. Shortly after the attack, Her Majesty appeared on tv in tears.
    As a Dutch person I am extremely upset. A country where you can shake hands or kiss the queen in public as an ordinary person will be over, I fear. A queen who doesn't want to be addressed as Her Majesty but just as ma'am.... My thoughts are with the royal family and Dutch nation that will no longer be the same.

    My thoughts are with the dozens of deaths and severely injured people. 'Je maintiendrai" is the Dutch logo in French. "I will survive".
    I hope they do.
