Friday, April 17, 2009


Some people who blog have full-time day jobs and still find time to post new stories every day, including photos, and they’re not even professional writers. How impressive!

I have the luxury of being able to spend 23 hours a day in bed working on my laptop (I use my bed for working such as writing as I prefer working horizontally). I have the luxury of just asking our staff to take care of everything and bring me some water or food, and yet I am too busy to post on Blogger on a regular basis.
I could tell you about the state of emergency and the heavy fighting in my home town of Bangkok but I don’t like to write about politics or violence.
Also, I am working my sheets off my bed carrying out research for the next novel I want to produce and I prefer to concentrate on that now. Spiritual stories about India then? Not right now.
So apart from research, what did I do this past week, locked up in my home to avoid getting killed? I made a painting. I haven’t yet mentioned that I do paint in order to avoid Repetitive Stress Injuries from working on a laptop all day long. If I paint, I move the pain from my wrists to my shoulders, as painting causes me pain too but in different places.
What do I paint? I am not a painter; I know children who can do better than I do. But I like to paint bamboo and fish and unusual erotic scenes inspired by Japanese Shunga art. Here are some of my recent paintings.

The above one is an Asian version of my favourite painting Sunday in the Park by George Seurat. If I copy, I do give it a twist.

Brace yourself for the next few paintings.

Or I keep it simple and just use a pencil.



  1. like our paintings and drawings! Neat twist on the Seurat!

  2. Your paintings! Not 'our'! (sorry about that!)

  3. I got that. I can't remember painting together with you! It's nice to hear that you enjoy my art. The third painting from the top hangs in a beautiful frame in a friend's house in Thailand. I tend to give away my paintings, but the erotic paintings will one day become a coffee table book. I have made a few dozen in the past year already. I do enjoy Japanese stuff (but you already know that, 32).

  4. 3rd erotic painting is awesome! Really good job... I wish I could understand the writing on that painting.

  5. Thanks. I don't understand the writing either. I copied it from the internet but it's an ancient homo-erotic poem. Your comment reminds me that I should do some more painting, as I haven't done so in a while.
